Overview 概 述 (Chinese) 概 要(Japanese) 개 요 (Korean) Resumen Why TL 9000 Comparison with other standards Jump Start Mentor Program Individual Certification TL 9000 ExpertsIndividual Certification Program
TIA QuEST Forum offers individuals an opportunity to be recognized for their knowledge and use of the TL 9000 Quality Management System at two levels.
This level of recognition is for people who have successfully completed either the TL 9000 Implementation course, the TL 9000 Auditing course, or the TL 9000 Individual Certification Exam plus any needed release–related delta courses and have been involved with a TL 9000 implementation.
The TL 9000 ExpertIn addition to meeting the requirements of the TL 9000 Practitioner, the TL 9000 Expert must be actively involved in a TIA QuEST Forum Working and/or Regional Group and also meet additional experience and other requirements.
RequirementsDetailed requirements for obtaining and maintaining either of these certifications are listed in the document TL 9000 Individual Certification Requirements.
There is a $25 fee for the first year of certification and a $10 per year fee annually to maintain certification.
Please login to the TIA QuEST Forum portal before accessing the below links.
ApplicationsApply to be a TL 9000 Practitioner.
Apply to be a TL 9000 Expert.
RenewalsRenew your TL 9000 Practitioner Certificate.
Renew your TL 9000 Expert Certificate.